Friday, February 28, 2025

August 21, 1983 Journal Notes Grand Canyon

August 21, 1983

Sorry, but I couldn’t continue last night. 

One thing that I don’t think I have mentioned is the food. The boatsmen cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast we have had pancakes with walnuts and pineapple, eggs, oatmeal, grapefruit slices. We have also had fruit salads, a type of sloppy Joes with ground beef stew, porkchops and salad and applesauce. I mean, the food is fantastic! The boatsmen definitely have a system that is well-organized. 

The toilet system is pretty bizarre. If a person has to urinate then that has to be done in the river. It seems pretty strange to be told to go in the river because I might think that it pollutes the water, but the water level is so high that such small amounts of urine won’t do any harm. 

The sun is shining beautifully. From the time of the last above paragraph until this one, we have rafted to Deer Creek. Most everybody went on the hour long hike, but I decided to say at the boats, lay in the sun and write in my journal. 

Joan is the person at the DMV in Daly City, who instructs people where to go on the driving lessons and decides whether or not they get their licenses. She is pretty cool. Yesterday on the hike we were the last two. I like to walk slower and take my time and so does she. She would stop and take pictures and look at the flowers. On the hike yesterday I would take her baseball cap, fill it up with water from the creek and put it on my head. In effect, the cold water would run all over me. Sometimes I would take two capfuls to satisfy me. 

The sun is really strong today. My right arm in this mornings sun is in the sun getting redder and redder. 

This notebook has a lot of something on it because it keeps causing the pen to skip.

The nights and days are going by so quickly. I washed my hair for the first time since Tuesday morning.

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